New Patients
Thank you for choosing Dr. Reed Ward as your healthcare provider. We welcome you to his practice!
As you may know, Dr. Ward takes a more traditional approach to healthcare services. In his practice, Dr. Ward will get to know you, your health history, and thoroughly explore the many facets of your well-being.
As a patient of Dr. Ward, he will learn about your health concerns, explain his findings in simple terms you can understand and recommended possible treatments. Rest assured, you will be in the caring hands of a healthcare provider who is more interested in your long-term healthcare needs instead of a one-visit prescription.
As a new patient, we need to collect some information from you. We have forms in the office and you are welcome to fill them out when you arrive for your appointment. However, many of our patients prefer to download them and fill them out at home to save them some time.
We ask all new patients to fill out the following forms: