Sweet Potatoes with Ginger and Cinnamon
Prep and Cook Time: 25 Minutes
- 6 cups sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
- 1/2 medium onion, cut in half and sliced thin
- garlic, as taste requires chopped
- 1-1/2 TBS finely minced fresh ginger
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 TBS honey
- 1 TBS + 1 cup chicken or vegetable broth
- salt and white pepper to taste
- Slice onions and chop garlic and let sit for 5 minutes to enhance their health-promoting properties.
- Cut sweet potatoes into 1″ cubes.
- Heat 1 TBS broth in a 12-inch or larger stainless steel skillet. Healthy Sauté onion over medium heat for 3 minutes, stirring frequently. Add garlic and ginger and continue to sauté for another minute, stirring constantly.
- Add sweet potatoes, cinnamon, honey, and 1 cup broth. Mix and simmer over low heat covered for about 15 minutes, or until sweet potatoes are tender. Season with salt and pepper.
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